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Animated image of light house with text stating "What are the potential side effects of PROMACTA?"

The most common side effects of PROMACTA in children 1 year and older when used to treat second-line persistent or chronic immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) are:

  • Upper respiratory tract infection (symptoms may include runny nose, stuffy nose, and sneezing), 17%

  • Pain or swelling (inflammation) in their nose or throat (nasopharyngitis), 12%

No other side effects occurred in more than 9% of children in the 2 main pediatric studies of PROMACTA
Less common but more serious side effects that may occur with PROMACTA include:
  • Liver problems

  • Worsening of a precancerous blood condition to a blood cancer called acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)

  • High platelet counts and higher risk for blood clots

  • New or worsened cataracts (a clouding of the lens in the eye)

No matter what the treatment, always let your child’s doctor know about any side effects
